
We help those who need it the most.
We act fast.
We are transparent.
These are our principles.

URGENT was founded as a response to the full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine launched in February 2022. The conflict shows no signs of abating. The Russian army continues to target civilians in Ukraine, bombing homes, schools, hospitals, roads and the civilian power grid day after endless day.

The family of our founder, Eka Vekua, is from Georgia, another country that was recently a target of Russian aggression.

I have had the experience of war: I’m an ethnic Georgian, and my family had to flee the war in Abkhazia in 1992. We never returned. Georgia was also invaded by Russian troops. Just like Ukraine. That’s why in 2022, I had a terrible feeling of déjà vu. Last year, when the war broke out, I knew immediately that I wanted to help — not just once or twice but regularly, and in a competent way. My partner, my friends and colleagues all said they were ready to join forces to turn this idea into reality.

Even if our current focus is Ukraine, we see our mission as a global one and we’re committed to developing a flexible and efficient system for delivering charity aid worldwide.

It is URGENT’s mission to assist with humanitarian and/or environmental emergencies and disasters, whether man-made or natural, to ensure that assistance and funding is provided quickly at times of crisis, conflict or disaster worldwide; and to promote the protection and care of children, young persons, youths and other vulnerable persons anywhere in the world (without differentiation on the ground of race, gender, colour, nationality, sexuality or otherwise) who have been abducted, gone missing, taken hostage or have been otherwise exploited. The charity trustees will not support purposes which are not charitable in accordance with any statutory provision regarding the meaning of the word “charitable” or the words “charitable purposes” in force in any part of the United Kingdom.

URGENT has a specific set of criteria for deciding whom and how to help. To apply for URGENT’s support, a potential beneficiary must demonstrate:

  • Acute (and pressing) need for help.
  • Verifying documents to back up the request.
  • Apparent public benefit the project will bring about.
  • Clear strategy for how the aid will be used.
  • Reference or recommendation from a trusted URGENT partner.
  • Willingness to provide evidence of the public benefit obtained after delivery.

Eka Vekua,
URGENT founder